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Alien Creatures

Many lifeforms encountered in a hostile environment are tamable. To tame a creature, the party will need to (1) avoid offending its triggers (if any, determined by narrative), (2) give a species-specific resource gift and (3) depending on the species’ social pattern use Compassion or Dominance to tame (generally one action, 3 rolls, 2 of which must be successes).

Example creatures can be found on p69.

Mithril Producing Creatures

Mutagen Producing Creatures

Elixir Producing Creatures

Furthermore, you must not go over the number of pets you are allowed to own at one time, as set by your archetype’s pet stat. Pets bond to the party member who tamed them and cannot be transferred. They can, however, be returned to the wild, now stronger for the new skills they have learned.

Pet's in Hostile Environments

While the Pet Stat on a character’s archetype chart shows how many pets they can own, the party as a whole can only bring a number of Pets equal to # of People in Party +2 into a Hostile Environment. Pets can be left at camp to make resources or rest.

What Can Creatures Do?

  1. Some lifeforms grant a buff or buffs to its owner when they are with them.
  2. Some lifeforms, if left in camp, can spend a day to produce Mithril/Mutagen/M. Elixir etc if given the correct materials. (as discussed in “Resource Currencies and Wealth”). This will be the main way of getting Elite Resources. A pet left in camp does not provide its buff to its owner.
  3. Some creatures provide a stat pool that their owner can draw on if they are with them. One stat point can be spent to reroll a die roll made with that stat or to change the first result on a 1 to 1 basis.

Each creature description states what resource currencies (and what amount) it can use as food. Paying that amount of the food resource refreshes the stat pool. The full food requirement must be given to replenish, even if the pool is not fully depleted.

Game Designer’s Notes: Say Gary has a Might of 13 and needs to clear some rubble. His pet, an Iron Serpent, has a Might Stat Pool of 2. Gary rolls a 15, which would normally be a failure. If succeeding is important enough to him, he can spend those 1 of those 2 points to reroll. If it is very important, he can spend both points to turn the 15 to a 13.

Optional: Pets have a Tame-Assist Stat equal to the number of resources in their tame cost -2. When taming, pick one Pet with you and increase the Stat you are using to tame by this amount. Pets can only help tame pets of the same social pattern (Compassion or Dominance).

Game Designer’s Note: These restrictions are meant to help drive turnover in the pets owned by the party so that new creatures can constantly be in the narrative.

There are, rumors say, some bots still functioning from the Ancient Space Empire. These can be tamed too, using the Tech stat (or Dominance for Smugglers), though many bots will be purchased by the party with Blockchain. Attempting to tame is a single action, but the gift is consumed even on fail.

Tamed lifeforms stay on their planet, or at least in their solar system, and don’t travel long distances in space generally.