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Beast Rider

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For you, nature will always be superior to technology. You want to be one with the lifeforms you meet, not exploit them. Your pets have pack loyalty to you, and as their alpha, you have pack loyalty to them.


Your character comes with a ride-able steed at the moment of character creation.

The key strength of the beast rider is their Mobility and their ability to own numerous pets at the same time. In exchange, they do not know how to tame, purchase or control bots.


Bestial Mobility: You are not impacted by Difficult Terrain. If you are with your steed, you can spend Mobility points from the parentheses for extra movement (one point per square). These extra move points recharge between Hostile Environments. Your ride-able pet does not count against your pet total. All of your Action Stats and your Mov decrease by 2 if you are separated from your pet.

Evolutionary Advantage: Pick one of the following: able to Walk on Lava, able to Swim and Provide O2 to tamer indefinitely, a Climbing Speed of 3, Long Jump of 20 Feet (forward or vertically).

Tame Assist: Your starter steed also helps you tame. For taming purposes your Compassion and Dominance are +1 than normal.