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Hallowed Hunter

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You are part of a special corps of explorer that specializes in taming creatures by learning their ways. Your space suit is rigged to allow you to appear bestial and have bestial speed. You lead creatures, not just as tamer, but as a true alpha.


When confronting creatures, your robotic suit enhances but still depends on your Might. It is this might you use to assert yourself as alpha.

Evolved do not automatically come with a rideable pet like the Beast Rider – you ARE the beast. Thus, you cannot be separated from your bonus speed like a standard Beast Rider can, though your movement improvement track is lower than the Standard Beast Rider. Nor can you walk on Lava etc. You have a lower number of max pets than the Beast Rider.


Might of the Alpha: When taming creatures, roll against your Might.

If the species in question is a Dominant species, increase your Might stat for this check by 1.

Overclock: Twice per day, you can choose to automatically succeed on a Might roll by Overclocking your suit.


Your Might must be >=14

This variant of the Beast Rider depends on Might, rather than Compassion or Dominance for taming creatures. Thus, a high Might is necessary.

hallowed_hunter.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/25 20:29 by muckraker

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